EDUC-X 151

Unlocking your creativity

Open to all students.

This course is about you - developing your creative potential, working around perceived limitations, and expanding your sense of what is possible.

Guided by your curiosity and passion, you will explore your power to innovate through a series of workshops and projects. Along the way, you will discover how creativity can go beyond the arts to open up a world of possibility in any field: from science, medicine, and business to law, history, philosophy, and beyond.

Students say that this class helps them:

  • Discover the creativity they didn't even know they had
  • Work around perceived limitations
  • Build confidence in their ideas

Contact Anthony Guest-Scott ( for more information!


You will learn about what it means to be creative from a wide variety of perspectives.


You will use your newfound understanding to create many smaller works as well as your own final project for the course.

Course snapshot



19max class size

Because I gained a new way of thinking about myself and what I create, I will be able to apply that to future projects and research in my field.