EDUC-X 150

Becoming the best student you can be!

Open to all students.

Learn how to excel in all your classes by:

  • Organizing your time, your life, and beating procrastination
  • Applying new study strategies that help you lower stress, boost motivation, and learn even the most complex information more deeply and efficiently  
  • Building strong habits and mindsets for overcoming any obstacle

Contact Anthony Guest-Scott ( for more information!

Hard skills & strategies

You will learn to use individually-tailored strategies for studying that can be applied to any class.

Habits of heart & mind

You will learn how to take control of your education, solve problems, and deepen your learning experience.

Course snapshot



19max class size

I learned exactly what I thought I was going to learn when I chose to do this course, which is to be a better student. I learned my strengths and I learned my weaknesses, which guide me to notice what I need to improve in order to not just be a better student, but a better person as well.